Homo sapiens
Now what comes to my mind is 'why do we exist?'. A simple question but where is the answer to this? Do we exist to exploit the planet's resources and leave nothing for other living beings? Maybe yes, because that is what we are doing. Nature's resources are being selfishly hogged just for our whims and fancies. Are we being reasonable? I know all of us are victims of the urge of living a luxurious life. But does this mean that we turn a deaf ear against the cries of our mother earth. We call ourselves humans but have forgotten what humanity really means. In order to make our lives simpler we tend to hurt other life forms on planet Earth. How long can we afford to be selfish egoists? Let us prove that we are superior beings by doing our bit. Turn eco-friendly and human friendly. The environment ,our fellow humans and the myriad forms of life on this planet badly need our support. So, live and let live.
Humans will be humans.Deaf towards the environment!!!!!