How Technology Creates Difficulties for Senior Citizens?

Technology and the Difficulties it Creates for Senior Citizens

They are from an era when there was no television, the water was consumed from a hand pump and the best way to spend free time was by reading books (made out of paper!). How can all of us, the so called - ‘millenials’ expect them to do net banking, mobile banking and use apps on smartphones? By ‘them’ I refer to senior citizens, the 60+ parents and grandparents!

Some of them are actually catching up with the changing times but what about those who have been left behind? There are instances when there is nobody else in the house to coach the elderly and guide them about using smartphones. Yes, many elders live alone which is a sad truth but I am not getting into that. Now, do you think it is right to bombard them with terms like OTP, cashback code, PIN, Digital wallets, Re-CAPTCHA and the like? It only brings down their level of confidence and makes them feel dependent on others. As children it is our primary duty to assist them at every step but it is also true that most of us are way too busy in our own lives that we don’t realize that our parents are getting old and are finding it difficult to cope up with the rapidly changing times!

These days everything is done via Paytm, which is extremely convenient, no doubt. However, it is a daunting task for the seniors. Are we moving towards helping them become a part of this world of advanced technology? Or are we just trying to put them down by showing our excellence at using gadgets. Mind you, they have educated themselves in a time when there was no Google, they obviously need to be respected for that. They didn’t have this concept of e-learning when they were studying, it has all been done the hard way without any shortcuts.

The difficulties they face are right from doing an online bank transaction to using their Metro card at the Metro station. It extends to not being able to commute on their own because of the hardships they come across while booking a cab on their app. There are a plenty of other things. I am just pin-pointing at those that I have seen my parents struggle with. If I have missed something you can always mention that in the comment section below! I would love to hear from you! 

Now, the ‘Million Dollar Question’ - Can we make things a little easier for them instead of asking them to do what they are not comfortable doing? Well, at least store keepers and fast food joints need to accept cash payments without making a face and complaining that there is no change. By moving ahead in the world of technology, we don’t have even the slightest right to make the world difficult for the senior citizens. It is okay to accept cheques from them, it is okay when they can’t use their smartphones the way you want them to and it is okay if they don’t know how an OTP works. Just don’t bombard them with stuff that makes them feel uncomfortable. Kindness and understanding are the two apps you need to download right now :P because even you are going to get old one day and will have to learn from your children!



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